How to encourage kids to have healthy food and increase weight of toddlers

One of the most struggling task of parenting to encourage your toddler have food specially healthy food.
Toddlers are picky eater you will surprise one day they have bananas and another day refuse to eat.  Most of the parent complain that their kid is not having his food or low weight. Jere are some tips so that your fussy eater kid turn in to a foody baby .
1 Home made food : feed your baby whatever you cook at home either it is sabji pararha or am rice anything by the age of 1.5 or 2 a kid can have light spices or I  cansay meal that you have I m not say feed him over spiceor teekha khana but at least I limit as the test you eat that can solve your problem of making special dish for him .
Ya most of parents will say I can cook different for my baby if he wants but tell me for how long time when he or she will be  young that time it will be quite difficult for them to adjust with your taste.

2. Meal time should be only meal time: sometimes kid don't want to have meal that want other things like snacks or chips chocolate stop giving it before (at least half an hour)or at the time of he or she having meal if you do so they don't have another choice instead of having whatever in plate .
I m not just all thisi tried and testedy ,2 yr old boy have his own food by himself what ever I made for us the same and trust me guys he is not having any health issues as said ki teekha khayega to bimar hoga an all
Thanks to god :)

3. Don't bribe or threaten: yes we all do withthis  kids that  baby if you finish your meal I will give u cookies or chocolate don't offer sweet as prize of food to them . just give them food and ask them to have or feed him by your hand with love.
Most of us threatened kids if your not going to eat I will punish you or anything like that trust me guys it makes a wrong impact on there mind they start disliking food or may feel bore.

4. More nutrition doesn't meanore food:
As elder or doc. Says by this age kids need more nutrition then an adult but it does not mean more food , it means feed him heather food like veggie or whole grain food .

5. Stop over feed or fource feeding don't food him every time we think if feed me every time they found it good just think can you eat all the time no na.
You fave your meal when you feel hungry then why force food kids .
Just wait when they feel they are hungry or start to cry or being fussy ask them if they are hungry or want something to eat sometimes they will not reply or not understand but of you give them food they have it and will understand what was the issue and another time you will see he or she may ask for food .
 As there was saying " Jo jaisa khayega vo vaisa gayega "
That is what you eat that you show.
So friends eat healthy stay healthy and make kids healthy because health is wealth friends pls comment your point of vies and suggestions.


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